First of all, let me wish you a happy and healthy new year. And let make it prosperous too…
I was reading a trade magazine article that read and I quote : “Demand for nutraceuticals ingredients like botanicals, vitamins, minerals and omega-3s will grow 7.2% annually until at least 2015 to be worth €18.5 billion with newer markets like Mexico and South Korea helping drive growth in this sector” (Source: Market analyst, Freedonia.) With the current exchange rate of 1€ being $1.30, this makes it about $24 billion. Nice chunk of change.
Why such an interest? What comes to mind is that the increasing amount of evidence of health benefits is very attractive to those who want to live healthier and delay some of the aging process.
The USA and Western Europe may not have the market growth rate that Latin America or Far East countries will experience. Nevertheless, there are a lot of people in our “mature markets” who continue to buy natural products for self-care and prevention. Whether you are a raw material supplier, a contract manufacturer or a product reseller, you want to be the one supplying those products to your customers.
So jump on the band wagon and offer innovative and safe formulas. If you need help to figure out what is needed before you put your products on the market, send me your questions and I will be happy to help you. Let’s the fun begin.