You would like to market a dietary supplement and you need to vet a contract manufacturer (CM) to build a final product for you. In the eye of FDA, the marketer is as responsible as the contract manufacturer to insure … Continue reading
Beverage, is it a Food or a Dietary Supplement?
There is a statutory difference between foods and dietary supplements and yet companies often have difficulty determining how to position their products as food versus dietary supplements. The FDCA defines “food” as “articles used for food or drink for man … Continue reading
A Proper Label for your Dietary Supplement
Good quality dietary supplements are a great way to add healthy choices to your diet. With the pandemic raging and a lot of us working from home, we take a few too many trips to the fridge! Yet you want … Continue reading
Refresher on the Definition of Dietary Supplements
The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) passed in 1906. It legislates foods, drugs and cosmetics, vitamins, minerals, botanical extracts and supplements of many sorts that were sold on the US market. The law made it clear that products should … Continue reading
Let’s continue our discussion on hemp and CBD
Why not? We got all excited when the farm bill passed in December 2018 removing the hemp plant from the controlled substance list. An explosion of products appeared on the market place. We saw hemp and one of its main … Continue reading