One of my goals is to understand the various aspects around hemp extract and CBD. I attended a conference las week organized by the American Herbal Product Association which is a trade association with more than 20 years of existence. Discussions around the Dec 18 2019 Farm bill, with panels of retailers who sell CBD, the facts that FDA has not issued rules with regards to the legality of CBD were quite lively. Rather than trying to summarize in my own words, I read a great article in NutraIngredients-usa that highlight the many points made during the conference.
Does it mean that one should ignore the law? Absolutely not. But the situation today is that there are a lot of CBD products on the markets available for purchase that lack the rigors of good manufacturing practices that includes testing of the final product. This exposes the consumers to unknown risks when the contents of CBD, THC and other ingredients are not known, even by the seller. Consumer education is a must. Stay tune for updates and findings